Open for enrollment!

For the expecting or new mom who is dedicated to giving her baby the best and also wants to look and feel amazing




Your Whole Food Macro Approach For             



Give yourself the gift of simplicity

Healing and satisfying #momapproved meal plans are built….

one meal and macro at a time.

If you expect to recover well, maintain milk supply, and feel energized and nourished while sustainably reaching your body weight goals, then it’s important to make sure you're prioritizing what your body needs each trimester.

You’re about to experience HOW to simplify your nutrition when you have little time and low energy in this new season.

or grabbing that two-year-old granola bar from the pantry during a 2 a.m. feeding!

to those days of munching on saltine crackers for lunch in your first trimester

Farewell to those days of munching on saltine crackers for lunch in your first trimester


"As much as I looked forward to starting a family, I feared gaining too much weight during pregnancy.

What I've learned here has helped me, now in my 3rd trimester,
manage to balance healthy eating habits with what my body craves by understanding my macro needs!"

hear it from Kristina!

Being an expecting or new mom is a rollercoaster. 

I've had ENOUGH with the...

Constant ‘pregnancy weight gain’ worry of “Am I gaining too much?!” 

And the extreme behaviors about rigid diet plans, excessive calorie-cutting, or rushing to bounce back to your pre-pregnancy body.

Your pregnancy is unique.
Your body is unique.
Your baby is unique.
You are unique and should be treated that way.

Your pregnancy is unique.
Your body is unique.
Your baby is unique.
You are unique and should be treated that way.

But, let me tell you a secret...

All the unsolicited advice & 15 second clips on social media are things you can ignore. Don't let them get in the way of you comfortably nourishing yourself and your baby.

Whether you’re currently pregnant or knee-deep in postpartum….

One moment, you're up till 2 am. buying random baby things from Amazon; the next, you're knee-deep in nutritional do’s and don’ts, wondering if you can have your favorite Jersey Mike’s sub.

Meanwhile you're also bombarded with 'Diet culture' marketing tactics that thrive on making women believe there’s only one way to optimal health but in reality, there’s really not a one-size-fits-all approach.


one macro focused meal at a time

one macro focused meal at a time

So how do you craft the perfect nutrition plan for this beautiful season of life?

Hi, I’m Dani, and I get what you’re going through...

It took me years of professional training, certifications, and experience to understand the science of macronutrients for women…. 

And when I got pregnant, I knew I had to support those on the same journey. 

I know first-hand just how complicated it is to navigate your changing body, your energy levels, your hormones, and your cravings as you prep for Baby and beyond. 

It’s A LOT more complex than “eat until you’re full” or “count your macros” → and this is coming from a macro master!  

I’ve helped more than 1,000 women lose weight, balance their hormones, boost their energy, and transform their bodies with macros. Now it’s time to support the Mamas.

No more uncertainty.

No more worrying about how your body is changing and growing to support baby.

No more fear around if you’re eating enough or too much.

No more feeling depleted or overwhelmed!

There's a specific process to each of the steps to build an energy-friendly plate 

... that you have a step-by-step guide for understanding your nutritional needs during each week of pregnancy and postpartum...

... you could easily consume the best sources of essential nutrients, manage your cravings, and balance your plate to fuel recovery and blood sugar balance...

... you feel nourished, energized, and confident even when you’re knee-deep in baby burp cloths and laundry piles…

And once you've implemented this mama-focused nutrition plan... it's mastered for life!

(that most of us miss)

PLUS... each step must be tailored the right way in each trimester.

See how it’s not as straightforward as you thought?

What if you had a simple, mom-friendly approach to personalized nutrition that worked?

Imagine for just a moment

A tool that can be used for every pregnancy and after!

Wouldn't that be nice? You don't have to imagine or wait any longer. Because it's finallyyyyyy here mama!

The straightforward step-by-step macro approach for every trimester filled with the nutrients you and your baby need.

Helping you assemble meals, maintain your milk supply, and appropriately manage your weight.

Macros for Mama

Here's what you'll get:

Tailored Trainings

Comprehensive lessons that walk you through the process of understanding your nutritional needs for each trimester and postpartum.

*$997 Value

TONS of Resources

In-depth resources and guides for to simplify your nutrition, taking stress and uncertainty out of feeding yourself and maintaining your milk supply (if you choose to breastfeed).

*$550 Value

Macro Calculations

Complete system, sharing things like: how to manage cravings, how to calculate your macros for each trimester and phase, and how to build your meals without tracking each macro

*649 Value





…Because you and your baby deserve the very best!

Every great craving is made up of a list of ingredients... take my go-to morning matcha for example (without the clumsy moments where I spill it over the counter - oops pregnancy brain).

Forget even one ingredient and my matcha might taste like actual grass from a farm *EW*

(apologies if you’re in your first trimester reading this and have an aversion to matcha… I get it, I was there, too)

Macros for Mama

1. First Trimester Nutrition

What Most Generic Blogs Don’t Tell You About Your 1st Trimester

It’s time to break the generational cycle of overwhelming mom guilt that’s been put on women time and time again.

LIFETIME ACCESS to 22 detailed video training lessons and multiple downloads to make eating and meal building easy for your pregnancy.

See What’s Waiting For You Inside Once You Join

You’ll discover:

  • The Mom and Baby first approach to adjusting your calorie intake.
  • Key dietary adjustments and easy-to-use macro calculations to make sure you’re consuming enough to support your body’s changes.
  • How vital protein intake, caloric management, and nutrient diversity is to get your body to support healthy fetal growth.
  • The REAL truth about weight gain during pregnancy and how to accurately monitor and adjust your eating habits appropriately.
  • The art of integrating exercise, rest, and managing stress to maintain health and wellness even if you're like me and thinking it’s too challenging or tiring during pregnancy.

2. Second Trimester Nutrition

A Macro Coach’s Top Tips For Maximizing Energy In Your 2nd Trimester

In the home stretch, it’s about more than eating right—it’s about eating smart to prepare for labor, birth, and recovery.

So how do you create an optimal nutrition plan for your 3rd trimester?!

I’ll walk you through…
  • Clear-to-follow guidelines on how to increase and adjust your calories for third-trimester needs…(yep, might be 450 cals or more).
  • How crucial protein and healthy fats are to consume to support healthy fetal growth - AND EATING ENOUGH OF THEM.
  • The truth about listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues without over or under-eating.
  • The secret behind handling insufficient or excessive weight gain.

3. Third Trimester Nutrition

Nesting Nutrition For The Final Stretch

The one thing you do need is more on your plate—literally, Mama!

That's why I've put together appropriate guidance on the key nutrients needed during the 4th trimester, including a:

Clear guide to support you on maintaining a healthy milk supply AND addressing how to safely lose weight after your baby arrives.

We'll dive into topics like:
  • Breastfeeding
  • Understanding hunger cues
  • The role of carbohydrates
  • How to phase your nutrition
  • Effective ways to lose weight and track your progress

4. Your Fourth Trimester & Healthy Postpartum Weight Management

Postpartum And Body Recomposition

That's how the nutrition plan for your first trimester works. Inside Macros for Mamas, you won't just get a list of nutrients required to mix up a healthy pregnancy plate.

You'll get step-by-step training walking you through exactly how to nail your daily nutritional goals while surviving that unpleasant nausea and fatigue. Imagine how much easier it will be to manage your first trimester with food aversions and all. Nothing wrong with eating the saltine bestie!
  • Macro + Calorie Calculations For Your First Trimester
  • My Top Nausea and Food Aversion Symptom Management Tips
  • Mindful Eating Strategies To Conquer Nausea
REVEALED INSIDE: The underrecognized challenges that contribute to your second trimester nutritional gaps. 
Plus, you'll get access to our exclusive video tutorials and calculators you can use instantly to ensure that each personalized plate you make is whole food-focused and #balanced!

Understand Your Postpartum Nutrition Needs

Body Recomposition For Weight Loss

Maintaining Milk Supply

Family Friendly Meal Ideas & Recipes

Appropriate Weight Management

Eating for Energy and Recovery

Managing Your Physical and Mental Health

Healthy Postpartum Weight Loss

What you can expect to learn from




Feeling overwhelmed about meal prep? Worried that there's no time left for you after caring for your baby?

It's normal to feel this way, but remember, taking care of your health is also taking care of your baby, too.

By feeding yourself well, you're ensuring you have the energy and milk supply to be there for your little one.

You can prioritize YOURSELF AND BABY with the mom-friendly steps inside.

It also helps you combat exhaustion, maintain milk supply, and properly focus on body recomposition after baby!

this program doesn't just guide you to healthier pregnancy and postpartum nutrition…

Take everything you learn about pregnancy and postpartum nutrition inside

Macros for Mama

The mistake most expecting and new mamas make regarding nutrition is thinking that if they follow a strict diet plan or try to bounce back to their pre-pregnancy body immediately, they're guaranteed to magically have a healthy pregnancy, milk supply, and recovery.

Wouldn't it be safer and smarter to simply learn how to create a nourishing and balanced diet for yourself - without the additional stress?

with you forever!!

While feeling exhausted and depleted

Dealing with cravings, aversions

Or even worrying about seeing your body change each month in the mirror?

But let me ask you...

If you don't know what OR how much to eat during this life-changing season - how will you feel confident that what you're doing is actually supporting your goals and your health?

Sure, you can follow the general advice out there.

But do you really want to do that…


When you enroll today, here’s everything you’ll receive:

BONUS #1: Pregnancy + Postpartum Macro Meal E-book 

BONUS #2: Pelvic floor/postpartum PT exercise guide 

BONUS #3: THREE Months access to the Macros for Mamas Community


With a personalized approach to nutrition, you can nourish both yourself and your baby optimally.

LIFETIME access to the entire program to use whenever you need it!

The fact that you've landed on this part of the page means you are aware that personalized nutrition moving forward is crucial for you and your baby's well-being.

Perhaps, however, you are unsure because you’ve been misled before by a nutrition program for women.

I understand that. Diet culture sucks and can be manipulative. Maybe you're thinking...

Well... it's easy. You won’t be certain until you try and I’ve got the proof to back it up helping over 1,000 women transform their health and relationship with food.

That Lets You Sleep Easily At Night (who am I joking?! There’s hardly any sleep in this season of life) 

"This seems too good to be true! How can I be certain this is exactly what I need?"

The 4 Trimester Proof Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee


Pregnancy + Postpartum Macro Meal E-book 

bonus 1

Say goodbye to “what are we eating for dinner?!” nights. Enjoy this e-book filled with 20 macro-friendly recipes & meal ideas that you and your family will love!

I’ve taken the hard work of balancing macros out of your hands, so that you can spend more quality time preparing and being with baby.

Value $89

7 Day Pelvic Floor + Deep Core Challenge

bonus 2

Jessica of @thepostpartumpt has created a 7-day pelvic floor and deep core restore video guide that’s simple and straightforward to follow!

1 | Professionally designed exercises for your pelvic floor (exact step-by-step tutorials to help your postpartum recovery)

2 | Grab and go wherever you are!

That’s exactly what you’ll get with this bonus…. YOURS FREE!

Value $198


3 Months FREE access to the Macros for Mamas Community

bonus 3

You know that being a mom can be a lonely journey and you know that it’s essential to connect with others who have similar experiences as you too.

That’s why I’m gifting you 3 full months access to the Macros for Mamas Community

...with the opportunity to stay in with a monthly payment plan after your 3 months!

Connect. Share. And be inspired by other mamas like you.

Because you were never meant to do this journey alone.

Value $147

When you enroll you’ll get
(valued at $434)

Designed to guide you with fun meal ideas, PT exercises, and a free glimpse into our mama-empowered community for 3 full months. 

Your pregnancy is about ONE thing.

Every great transformation you’ve had in your life ALWAYS came from A DECISION whether you were 100% confident or not.

And that’s all you need to do today.


Keeping YOU and your BABY as healthy as possible.

If you choose the latter mama, now is the time to get signed up and started!

 Your options are clear:

 Your options are clear:

Choose to do nothing.

Or, choose yourself and forget the diet culture mentality that’s held you back for too long.


the reviews

- Tania

Having a healthier relationship with my mindset and the scale has been priceless. I’ve lost 10 inches and over 10lbs while feeling better in my clothing.

- Rachel

I feel like I am set up for success! I have a guideline of what to look out for, how to gauge progress, what to do when various challenges come up and I can set a timeframe and look at the year and map out what stages are going to fit my life during different months."

- Lori D.

I now realize I can eat so many foods that I have been scared of eating and know they don't make me gain weight like I always believed. I have a completely different outlook on dieting thanks for this program.


Frequently asked questions

Macros for Mamas is a self-guided course specifically designed for expecting mamas, new moms, and postpartum women. It aims to offer guidance in nutrition and overall health during these crucial stages of motherhood. It will also help you look and feel your best throughout pregnancy and postpartum.

Your nutritional needs change during pregnancy, and Macros for Mamas is here to guide you. With this course you will receive accurate and healthful information on which foods to eat in what proportions to ensure the thriving of both you and your baby.

As a new mom, your body is recovering and Macros for Mamas is here to support you. This course provides dietary guidelines that cater to your body's needs, sustainable and appropriate post-pregnancy weight loss guidance while maintaining milk supply, helping with recovery and ensuring optimal nutrition for nursing if you choose to do so.

Definitely. Macros for Mamas focuses on postpartum nutrition, which plays a vital role in recovery. This course is designed to ensure you're consuming the right nutrients and the right amounts to support both healing and energy levels. Plus, as a special bonus, you'll also receive a pelvic floor guide crafted by a Postpartum Physical Therapist to help you recover more optimally.

Yes, Macros for Mamas recognizes that every woman's dietary needs can vary, especially during these stages. This course takes into account your specific nutritional requirements and evolves as your body and needs change. I also provide options in the meal guide for all types of dietary restrictions/needs.

Macros for Mamas is tailored specifically for women in pregnancy and postpartum stages. Unlike general nutrition guides, we focus on the unique nutritional needs of expecting and new mamas, making it more beneficial and pertinent to your health and recovery.

Absolutely, Macros for Mamas is designed to provide continuous support from early pregnancy through the postpartum period. This comprehensive approach ensures that your nutritional needs are well-cared for at every step.

Macros for Mamas is designed to support overall health. However, if you have medical conditions, it's always best to consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet.

Macros for Mamas not only focuses on your nutritional needs but also emphasizes overall women's health. By following our program, you'll be nurturing your body with the right foods, which can enhance your health, energy levels, and overall well-being.

Our team appreciates that questions and concerns can arise. We're committed to providing support and guidance throughout your journey, ensuring your experience is as beneficial and seamless as possible. If you have questions about enrollment you can email:

7 day trial!

Money Back Guarantee

When you sign up, you have 7 days to explore what's inside and if, for any reason, you don't think this was the wisest investment, just email Team Mindin’ My Macros at We'll happily refund your total payment, as long as you've viewed less than 15% of the course, no questions asked.

Have other questions? Reach out to