Your space for all things macros, movement, mindset & everything in between. 

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Are you ready to make some real progress in building muscle? Well, let me tell you, it’s time to eat more! But hold on, before you run off and order that large pizza you’ve been craving, tune into this episode on the surplus phase – the last of the macro phases in this series. 

How to Build Muscle in a Surplus

Ever felt like you’re on a never-ending dieting merry-go-round? That frustrating cycle where the numbers on the scale dance up and down, leaving you feeling defeated? If you can relate, you are probably missing one of my favorite macro phases: the reverse diet. 

What is a Reverse Diet & How Does It Work?

Bracing yourself for a calorie deficit but want to dodge the dreaded bounce-back weight gain? Understanding the details of the calorie deficit phase is crucial, and without the right guidance, it’s all too easy to miss the mark.

What Should a Calorie Deficit Look Like to Lose Body Fat?

Are you unknowingly sidelining a crucial strategy while chasing your body goals? Could it be that you’re so focused on the calorie deficit that you’re missing out on a vital piece of the macro puzzle? Enter the “maintenance” phase, a significant yet frequently overlooked step that deserves its moment in the spotlight. Today, we’re giving it just that!

How to Use the “Maintenance” Phase to Your Advantage

Do you consider yourself a yo-yo dieter? Or do you feel its extremely hard for you to lose weight no matter how hard you try? Or maybe your somebody who has lost weight but go to extreme measures to keep it off and it just doesn’t feel sustainable? Then this episode is made for you!

The Phases of Macro Tracking Explained

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