The Macro Body Method

now enrolling





"I've lost 10 inches and over 10lbs and am just feeling better in my clothing!! But having a healthier mindset and relationship with the scale? That’s my biggest takeaway."

hear it from tania!

I feel like I know you already.

Let me guess...

You’ve tried every diet under the sun – TWICE. Low carb? You’ve done it. Paleo? You’ve lived it. Keto? Uh-huh, check. Weight Watchers? You’ve joined it. Whole 30?

Yup, that one too. If it promised to help you lose weight, you’ve thrown money at it. And maybe those diets even worked for a hot second … until it all came crashing down, you burned out, and any fat you lost boomeranged right back onto your body. #relatable 

Maybe you’ve even tried to pick up the slack by spending hours in the gym, thinking cardio and HIIT classes would work where dieting failed. But the results you’re after? They still feel a million miles away. 

Honestly? You would LOVE to drop those stubborn pounds for good, but you’re starting to wonder if being your current size is just your destiny. I mean, nothing’s worked so far, so what else is there left to try?


One that worked not just for 3 weeks or 3 months, but forever.

Hi, I’m Dani, and I get what you’re going through.

I spent YEARS

  • eating "clean,"
  • restricting calories,
  • trying new diets,
  • eliminating food groups altogether,
  • spending hours running, spinning, doing HIIT workouts... 

Yet, my muffin top refused to budge, my jean size stayed the same, and I felt so uncomfortable with my body, I hid in the back of family photos so nobody could see me. Not to mention how exhausted and hungry I felt all the time! The lower my energy, the lower my mood – but it wasn’t translating to a lower number on the scale.  

This isn’t where my story ends though. It’s where my story begins.

Macros — the life-changing, body-transforming science of food flexibility, not food restriction


The freedom to indulge in cake at a friend’s birthday dinner, champagne at a wedding, and Taco Tuesdays while still dropping pounds

The freedom to work out or not, because weight loss was no longer tied to how hard I sweated at the gym or how many hours of cardio I did 

The freedom to confidently show off my body in photos because progress happened in a matter of weeks

The freedom to wear what I want, eat what I want, and live the way I want – without worrying how it would impact the number on the scale 

The freedom to stop dieting for good, because I’d actually found a way of eating that worked long-term

The freedom to indulge in cake at a friend’s birthday dinner, champagne at a wedding, and Taco Tuesdays while still dropping pounds

The freedom to work out or not, because weight loss was no longer tied to how hard I sweated at the gym or how many hours of cardio I did 

The freedom to confidently show off my body in photos because progress happened in a matter of weeks

The freedom to wear what I want, eat what I want, and live the way I want – without worrying how it would impact the number on the scale 

The freedom to stop dieting for good, because I’d actually found a way of eating that worked long-term 

When I discovered macros, I discovered freedom. 

With macros, I completely transformed my body while eating the foods I loved. More importantly I gained confidence, gained strength, gained energy, and FELT the damn best I ever had. Since falling in love with macros, I’ve helped 1000s of women get results with them too. Now it’s your turn. 


the reviews

- Tania

Having a healthier relationship with my mindset and the scale has been priceless. I’ve lost 10 inches and over 10lbs while feeling better in my clothing.

- Rachel

I feel like I am set up for success! I have a guideline of what to look out for, how to gauge progress, what to do when various challenges come up and I can set a timeframe and look at the year and map out what stages are going to fit my life during different months."

- Lori D.

I now realize I can eat so many foods that I have been scared of eating and know they don't make me gain weight like I always believed. I have a completely different outlook on dieting thanks for this program.


Here’s why macros are the answer you’ve been looking for:

Afraid you’ll be stuck yo-yo dieting forever?

"Dieting" can be exhausting. Which is exactly why I packaged up my 1:1 coaching method into a self-paced course teaching YOU exactly how to break that cycle, finally see results and FEEL your absolute best... for the long run! 

Close your eyes and

Imagine your future self…

You wake up in the morning, feeling well-rested, energized, and ready to tackle the day. Coffee? It’s optional, because you slept like a baby. 

Today’s outfit? Your skinniest jeans and a cute crop top. After all, your stomach is flatter than it’s ever been, and for the first time in years, you WANT to show it off. 

You head to the kitchen and eat a nourishing breakfast, with protein, fat, vegetables, and yes, even carbs. No food is off-limits when you’ve got macros in your corner. 

You know exactly what you’re eating for lunch, and dinner too – which is great because it’s your hub’s holiday party tonight, and there will be plenty of delish drinks and food to go around. You don’t even have to worry about whether or not there’s a salad option, because you’ve planned to indulge. #noguilt 

When you arrive later that evening, in a fabulous Little Black Dress, everyone is gushing over how good you look. “What’s your secret?” they wonder. They’ve noticed you’ve lost weight, and your skin and hair look more radiant too. 

When it’s time to take the group photo, you stand confidently in the front, smiling proudly. You’ll never hide in the back again. 

Your body feels SO GOOD. You can’t believe it took you this long to figure out how to nourish yourself with the right food for you. You wish you’d discovered macros years ago. 

That’s what life looks like on the other side of The Macro Body Method.

A comprehensive, A-to-Z self-led course about how to break the diet cycle, eat what you love, and still lose weight & build muscle – the sustainable way

The Macro Body Method

here's what you'll get:

Step-By-Step Training

Learn everything you need for success with macro-tracking in this self-paced 8-module course, where you have LIFETIME access to the materials!

*$997 Value

Weekly Progress Tracker

Get your own copy of the exact weekly progress tracker I use with my 1:1 clients to review your progress objectively & see results that last.

*$850 Value

TONS of Bonuses

You'll receive some incredible bonuses like 15 macro-friendly recipes, lifestyle audits, a 60 minute protein workshop, and so much more!

*649 Value

"I was extremely overwhelmed when I tried this before, but now I feel it’s completely manageable and doable."

don't take my word for it

- Megan

Wondering what kind of damage past diets have done to your metabolism – and why it’s keeping you from losing weight now? I’ll teach you everything you need to know about the way your body burns food for energy – and why macros are the perfect way to heal it. 

In this module, we’ll cover: 
  • What sets macros apart from every other way of eating 
  • The difference between weight loss and fat loss – and how to jumpstart yours today
  • The various cycles of macro tracking, including what to do in each phase, to get the best results 
  • The 4 tools you need to get started right away 
  • And more 

The Macro Body Method

1. The Foundations

6 Lessons + Bonuses

Here's what's inside

Here’s the game plan to go from burnt-out dieter to having a balanced body in just 8 weeks.


Haven’t studied your body and what it needs since 11th grade biology? In this module, I’m breaking down what macronutrients are, why they’re the lifeline for a healthy body, and how you can use them to lose weight and build muscle.

In this module, we’ll cover: 
  • Macronutrients 101 (including fat, carbohydrates, and protein)
  • The 3 different periods of nutrition, and how to balance them to reach and maintain your goal weight
  • How to calculate your macros (we go way deeper than any online macro calculator ever could!) 
  • The right way to adjust your macros based on your unique body and goals 
  • How to weigh and measure food (this one trick will change the way you eat forever!)
  • How to pre-log your meals for the day, so you know exactly what to eat, when

2. Macros 101

6 Lessons + Bonuses

You can’t lose weight without changing the way you eat. But that doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice! In Module 3, I’ll teach you what a “cut” phase is, how and when to start one, and ways to gauge your progress for speedy but sustainable results. 

In this module, we’ll cover: 
  • What you need to know about calorie deficits and weight loss 
  • Different exercises and forms of movement that can increase your fat loss while building toned muscle 
  • What “carb cycling” is and why it’ll be your new best friend for fat loss 
  • Tools, trackers, and reports, oh my! How to map your progress and stay motivated to reach your goals 
  • How to develop a healthy mindset around weight fluctuations, including why they happen and what they mean 
  • What “biofeedback” is and how to monitor it 

3. The Cut Phase

6 Lessons + Bonuses

Ever heard of the “reverse” diet? I’m demystifying this fitness-industry term to make it more accessible to beginners – and walking you through how to do it, step-by-step. (Psst. Not understanding this is the number one reason women don’t maintain their weight loss, so you’re gonna want to pay close attention to Module 4.) 

In this module, we’ll cover: 
  • Reverse Dieting 101 – what it is, what it isn’t, and why it’s so important
  • How to move your body during this phase to maintain your weight loss and keep your hard-earned results 
  • How to know when you’ve reached the maintenance phase – and what to do when you get there
  • How to adjust your macros for a reverse diet (skip this part, and you’re knocking on the door of a dreaded backslide) 
  • And more!

4. The Reverse Phase

4 Lessons + Bonuses

You did it! Once you’ve reached your goal weight, it’s time to maintain it. This module will show you how. This is where so many women fall off the wagon – but not you. Not when you’re armed with the knowledge in Module 5. 

In this module, we’ll cover: 
  • Maintenance 101 – what this phase looks and feels like 
  • What to expect once you’ve hit your goal weight 
  • The recommended exercises and activities for maintaining your fat loss 
  • The “calorie cycling” tool for eating in a flexible way 
  • How to transition to intuitive eating now that you’ve reached your goal (including the pitfalls to avoid) 
  • What the “surplus” phase looks like in your macro journey – and what to do after 

5. The Maintenance Phase

5 Lessons

Ever heard of the “reverse” diet? I’m demystifying this fitness-industry term to make it more accessible to beginners – and walking you through how to do it, step-by-step. (Psst. Not understanding this is the number one reason women don’t maintain their weight loss, so you’re gonna want to pay close attention to Module 4.) 

In this module, we’ll cover: 
  • Reverse Dieting 101 – what it is, what it isn’t, and why it’s so important
  • How to move your body during this phase to maintain your weight loss and keep your hard-earned results 
  • How to know when you’ve reached the maintenance phase – and what to do when you get there
  • How to adjust your macros for a reverse diet (skip this part, and you’re knocking on the door of a dreaded backslide) 
  • And more!

6. Meal Planning

3 Lessons + Bonuses

New habits = new results. This module is all about developing the habits that promote a healthy lifestyle. I'll guide you through habit building techniques to take the "ugh" out of it! (These aren’t your average habits. You’ll be seeing such great results, you’ll WANT to stick to these puppies!) 

In this module, we’ll cover: 
  • Tools to build better habits that last a lifetime
  • The exact habits that promote better sleep, faster weight loss, increased metabolism, building toned muscle, and more 
  • How to create new habits (even if you’ve never stuck to them before)

7. Habit Building

3 Lessons + Bonuses

In the final module, I teach you how to plan your macro cycle for sustainability and long-term success! We discuss when to enter each phase, what to account for and how long to remain in each, while building out a year+ roadmap for you. 

In this module, we’ll cover: 
  • How to properly plan for the future (Remember, these are tools you’ll want to use for your entire life. Let me show you how.)
  • My proven process for self-checks ins to stay on track, every week, from now until infinity 
  • How to stay motivated and dedicated to your success no matter what
  • And more!

8. Your Future Success

3 Lessons + Bonuses


Weekly Progress Tracker

bonus 1

Get ready for the red carpet treatment! You’re receiving the exact weekly progress tracker I use with my 1:1 clients to monitor your progress effectively and keep you accountable to your new way of eating. (Psst. This tool alone is worth the price of admission.) 

$259 Value

Custom Macro Calculator

bonus 2

Calculate your macros with ease for any goal with this simple-to-use macro calculator that goes deeper than any tool you’ll find online. Just input your information and have your macros in seconds – and they’ll be customized to you and you alone! Hello, easy peasy lemon squeezie! 

Value $357

Lifestyle Audit & Habit Tracker 

bonus 3

What you eat isn’t the only factor in how quickly you lose the weight. It’s about your healthy habits. What if you knew how to set achievable lifestyle goals that could skyrocket your progress and get you incredible results even faster? This Lifestyle Audit and Habit Tracker will show you how.
Value $29

Losing weight is easier than ever – especially when you’re armed with these bonuses:

Macro Tools For Beginners 

bonus 4

What if you were equipped with vetted, top-of-the-fitness-industry macro tools – without needing to go through the trial and error of finding ‘em yourself? This download tells you the must-know macro tools for getting started on your journey, now.

Value $37

Reverse Diet Roadmap

bonus 5

Not sure what reverse dieting is, or how to get started? This roadmap is designed to answer all your questions as you map out your first (and second and third..) reverse diet phases, week-by-week. Follow the strategy that’s mapped out here, and you’ll hit your maintenance goal with ease. 

Value $187

2 Coaching Chats

bonus 6

When it comes to macros, sometimes the issue isn’t what to eat – sometimes it’s what to think! These pre-recorded coaching chats are designed to talk you through some common mental blocks, so you can stay motivated, confident, and on track to reach your goals. Think of it like mindset coaching in your pocket!

Value $399

Macro Grocery Guide

bonus 7

You’ll never wander the aisles, wondering what to grab, again. I’ve mapped out each macronutrient with options you can pick up at any major grocery store. To make it even more stress-free, I’ve given you a list of balanced meals you can choose from – with nutrients broken down for you – so you don’t have to plan in advance. 

Value $87

Protein For Beginners Training

bonus 8

Struggling to hit your protein goal? This pre-recorded 60-minute training will take you through my step-by-step method for increasing protein intake, along with my favorite protein sources and on-the-go options! (And no, I won’t just tell you to eat a Costco rotisserie chicken with every meal!) 

Value $298


the reviews

- Rachel P.

I am so excited and feeling great so far! I worked with a macro coach 1:1 for over a year and never learned any of this - we never even talked about biofeedback!

- Megan P.

I loved how much depth and detail you provided. I utilized every aspect of the program and am walking away feeling very equipped to continue forward with calculating my own macros and knowing when to adjust without a coach. It's exactly what I was hoping for.

- Allison A.

"...I'm still down 8lbs since I started the program *and* I re-tried on a bridesmaid dress I bought in Jan and it fits so much better than it did then"

- Kerrie

I had no idea increasing my calories and carbs would help me tone. I love the direction my body is slowly taking and that i can now maintain a healthy weight and muslce tone.


This isn't just a course.
It's your guide to the new YOU.

Picture yourself when you finish The Macro Body Method:

You're enjoying the foods you love, while simultaneously seeing the results on the scale AND in your clothes. I’m talking pounds dropped, inches lost, sizes decreased. 

You feel damn good in that LBD or those jeans in the back of your closet – you know, the ones you haven’t worn since college? It’s time to pull them out again! 

Your friends and family keep mentioning how great you look. They want to know your secret, so they look as hot and fit as you do! 

You know how to navigate social situations to enjoy and live a full life without worrying about what's on the menu. Cookies? You can have them. Chips? No problem. Margaritas? You bet. Nothing is off limits with macros. 

You feel confident, strong and like the badass you knew was hiding in there all along. 

You have endless energy, less brain fog, better sleep, and you feel your BEST!

Picture yourself when you finish The Macro Body Method:

You can have ALL of this. And I'm here to walk you through, step-by-step, in just 8 weeks.

the good news

This      for you if:

You don’t have time to try another diet, hoping it works. You’re ready for something that’s proven and sustainable

You aren't ready to dedicate time and invest in your health. (Did you know personal health has one of the largest ROI's?)

It's probably       for you if...



It's probably         for you if...

You want to lose fat, gain confidence, and get your metabolism back under control – without skipping out on foods you love 

You're looking for a "quick fix" diet and results overnight. I’m showing you an entirely new way of eating. That comes with new habits, and new habits take time to build. But give macros a few weeks, and you’ll notice the difference

You've been living in a constant calorie deficit, you’re afraid to eat carbohydrates, and you’re worried it’ll be this way forever. You feel stuck, with no way out

You want to wait for the "right time” – when there’s no traveling, weddings, or parties to attend. Macros shows you how to eat and live your life – now

You feel burnt out and lost with all the fat-loss information flooding your Instagram and TikTok. Can’t someone cut through the noise already?! 

You aren't looking to learn about nutrition and how to best eat for your desired goals and body.

You want to dive deeper into your knowledge of macro nutrition. What does your body need to thrive? You’re not even sure anymore! 

You want a no BS plan mapping out how to look and feel your best – not just for today, but for tomorrow. And the next day. And the next year. And the next decade. You know what? How about forever

Macros = Freedom from dieting. Period.

Get started today to start looking & feeling your best tomorrow!


LIFETIME access to The Macro Body Method


8 in-depth learning modules to get you a lifetime of results 

8 added special bonuses designed to rev up your progress to lightning speed

All future updates to the course

best value


LIFETIME access to The Macro Body Method


8 in-depth learning modules to get you a lifetime of results 

8 added special bonuses designed to rev up your progress to lightning speed

All future updates to the course

Hear It From Them


Who are you learning how to succeed with macros from?

Hi, I'm Dani

Like many women, I’ve struggled with my nutrition. Seven days a week, you could find me at the gym, running endlessly on the treadmill until I burned all my excess calories for the day and closed that coveted circle on my Apple watch. But that wasn't all...

For years, I yo-yo dieted, jumping from one diet to the next, unable to break the cycle (and reaping no lasting results to show for it). 

But that all ended when I discovered macros. At first, I was skeptical. You’re telling me I can eat more and weigh less? It flew in the face of everything I’d previously been taught. I thought there was “good” food and “bad” food. Restriction, not freedom: that’s what Diet Culture had sold me on. 

But when I put my previous beliefs aside and actually implemented a macro plan? That’s when everything changed. 

Certified Nutrition Coach | Certified Macro Coach | Certified Hormonal Health Expert 

Within 2 weeks, I noticed how much better I felt. Within 4 weeks, I started to see changes in my body. Within 6 weeks, I knew I’d found a tool I could use for the rest of my life. 

Yes, macros helped me lose my muffin top and get a flatter stomach, but the benefits weren’t purely physical. A few months into tracking, I clocked a boost in my energy levels, less brain fog, better sleep, and quicker recovery time after a workout. But the real magic was in how nourished my body felt. 

With macros, I found a way of eating that worked for me – and it was sustainable, clear to follow, and backed by science. In fact, I fell so in love with macros, I went back to school and got certified in Macro Nutrition, so I could share it with the world. Since then I’ve helped over 1,000 women look and feel their best – without sacrificing a life well lived. 


You could wait months or even years to lose the weight and transform your body.

but why wait...

The Macro Body Method has everything you need to succeed with macros today? 

Your health is in your hands. 

You don’t have to go to extremes to look and feel your best. But you do have to get started to see results. This course shows you how to drop extra fat, tone your body, balance your hormones, and feel better than you have in years – WHILE still enjoying meals out, celebrations, and traveling. 

You can have it all within balance. Let The Macro Body Method teach you how to transform your body sustainably – starting TODAY. 

Not sure if this course is the right fit for you? Try it risk-free for 7 days.

The Macro Body Method has already transformed the lives of more than 1,000 students. Now it’s your turn to join them – without the risk! When you join, you’ll get instant access to the first module. Watch it, dive into the bonuses, and if you’re not happy, send me an email within 7 days of your purchase, and you’ll get your money back. No questions asked! 

enroll now risk free!


the reviews

- Megan

I now feel extremely confident in navigating my macro journey completely on my own. You covered it all and didn't hold back!

- Lori D.

I have a completely different outlook on dieting thanks to this program. I now realize I can eat so many foods that I have been scared of eating.

- Megan E.

I was extremely overwhelmed when I have tried this before but now I feel its completely manageable and doable with all the tips and tricks to be successful

- Shannon

This was the comprehensive guide to macros I was looking for and haven't found anywhere else!


frequently asked questions

I love this question! Yes, you’re right, there are plenty of macro calculators online – but I caution my students against relying on them. These one-sized-fits-none websites are made for the general population, NOT for real women with real hormones, real goals, and real bodies. They don’t take into account your existing metabolism or your diet history, so it’s rare that they actually get results. They also don’t help you with the different phases of the macro journey – meaning it won’t be long before your progress stalls out and you’re left searching for yet another way to lose the weight. 

The Macro Body Method is a complete, A to Z plan for lifelong success with macros. This material isn’t made for the next 2-3 months. It’s designed to work FOREVER. As long as you have a body, The Macro Body Method will help you transform it. 

It’s up to you. This is an 8-module course with over 5 hours of content and learning material, and can be completed at your own pace. You will receive immediate access to the first module when you join, and after 7 days, the remaining modules will be released into your hands. Spend 5 hours on the modules, dive deep into the bonuses, and get a lifetime of results. 

Absolutely not! That’s what this course is for. Whether you’re an absolute beginner, you’re a seasoned vet looking to coach yourself, or somewhere in between, this course is for you. You will learn everything you need to know to succeed with macros in this course. With the library of educational modules and suite of practical bonuses, this is your one-stop shop for every phase of the macro journey. 

Nope! This course is designed to coach you at EVERY phase of your macro journey – fat loss, rebuilding your metabolism, creating lean muscle, finding balance through nutrition or exercise, and more. My students use macros to heal their hormone levels, to lose inches, to fight disordered eating, and to feel better in their body than they have in years. Whatever your goal, The Macro Body Method can help. Implement each new phase with ease, and then move onto the next one when you’re ready. It’s all inside the course waiting for you.  

Because I have zero doubts you’ll love the Macro Body Method, I offer a no-questions asked refund policy for the first 7 days. Simply log in, check out the first module, and if it doesn’t blow your socks off, send me an email, and I’ll process your refund. Any refunds after that 7-day period will not be processed.

That’s great! I’m so glad you’ve already started your macro journey. As we evolve, grow and age, our macros change alongside us. It’s important to understand HOW to adjust your macros as time (and your goals) shift, so you can keep your metabolism functioning at its highest capacity no matter where you are in your transformation. 

This course is designed to teach you everything you need for a lifetime of success with macros, from navigating in and out of different phases, making adjustments when things don’t feel right, and even transitioning to mindful eating when you’re ready to take a more intuitive approach. Remember: knowing your macros isn’t enough. You also need to know when to adjust them, and why, so you can feel and look your best for good. 

Nope! I understand life happens. That’s why this is a go-at-your-own pace course. But the more time you spend learning the material, the faster you’ll see results. You’ll get lifetime access to the course, plus all future updates and additions at no additional cost. That way you can come back at any point in your journey to reset your macros, navigate the new phase, or simply check in and make sure you’re on track. I designed this course to be your macro coach FOR LIFE.

Have other questions? Reach out to